The Levinge family had originally arrived in Ireland in the 1600's when Sir Richard Levinge, Knight & Baronet, was appointed Solicitor general for Ireland. In 1860 Newpark House was destroyed by fire as reported in the 'Westmeath Independant', It was then bought by a levinge descendant Marcus Anthony Levinge, J.P. for Roscommon & Westleath who lived at Newpark until his death in July 1908, he was 90 years old. Marcus was suceeded by his son Frederick who took over until his death in 1933, who then left the property to his niece Emma who was married to Col.Andrews of the British Army, they resided in England. As a Protestant estate with connections to the British army, this unfortunately had consequences for the house once more, as In 1938 an attempt to blow up Newpark was made with a bomb placed in a window, which luckily caused little damage.
Marcus' Levinge eldest daughter married Charles Seymour in 1871, who lived at Ballymore castle, Lawrencetown, Nr. Eyrecourt, Co.Galway. (The Seymour family are mentioned in famed Irish -Australian author Thomas Kineally's best-seller 'The great Shame' in 1998)
This is a link of interesting Irish books based on history along with the 'Great Shame' by Thomas Keneallys' who also wrote 'Shindler's List'
Newport Irish Museum Book CatalogTitle: The Great Shame: And The Triumph Of The Irish In The English -Speaking World. Author: Keneally, Thomas. Publisher: New York : Nan A. Talese
1939 there was a Land Sale of Newpark - organized by the Irish Land Commision on the basis of an absentee landlord. The land owned by Newpark was subdivided and sold on, the parcel of land with Newpark house itself was sold in 1940, the new owner had the roof and slates removed, the front door entrance pillars and flagstones sold off, leaving the house a derelict and roofless ruin, this was done so as to avoid paying rate charges & taxes.